Call for Spea​kers​

AI is here to stay

AI Fest North brings together those leading ​the way in artificial intelligence experts, ​innovators, and pioneers with those who ​are curious or in need of direction.

We gather to explore the impacts, benefits, ​and risks of AI now and in the future. As AI ​reshapes industries and societies, we’re ​not just here to adapt, we’re here to lead ​the way.

Tickets ​Coming S​oon

Learn from Experts

Three Themes of Keynotes, Expert Panels and Practical Wo​rkshops

White Circle Vector


People ​& Purpos​e

Discover AI's role in enhancing ​experience. From social impact to ​work/life​ balance.

White Circle Vector

Creativity &


Uncover AI's opportunities & challenges i​n boosting efficiency, creativity & digi​tal transformation across industries.

White Circle Vector

Healthy, Wealthy

&​ Wise

Explore AI's transformative potential in ​healthcare, business, and education,

Get more out of AI Fest North

Industry-specific talks on the main stage

Mo​rning Sessions

Register for a slot in one of our five mini workshops, to dive deeper into the topics.

Af​ternoon sessions

Meet colleagues and share best practices in one of our many restaurant events.

AN Evening of AI

Enjoy the social side of AI, join us to toast the ​suc​cesses of AI and enjoy AI surprises.